Friday, August 28, 2015

Class Dojo

Parents & Guardians!

I am sending home a note about Class Dojo!  If you haven't had the opportunity to sign up - PLEASE do!!!  This will be a great way for us to communicate throughout the year!  You will get daily updates on your child and their participation in class!  I think it will be a wonderful tool!!!  Google it - YouTube it - check it all out - IT. IS. AWESOME!!!

I am also sending home a snack calendar - at Open House I asked all parents that came in to write a tally on the board under yes or no and that I would do what majority wanted - as far as a snack calendar.  The majority was Yes!  If you purchase a snack ahead of time and would like to send it in, that is perfectly fine!

Spelling lists will go home Fridays for the following week!  Please be sure to practice these with your child at home.  If you have any questions so far - you know how to reach me! 

Cheers to a great year!  I am so excited to be working with you!
-Mrs. Owen

Friday, August 7, 2015

A Fresh Start!

Wow!!! The summer sure has flown by!  I am super excited to start out a new year, in a new class, with a new team of teachers!  Although I may have had your child in the past, I am excited for a new chapter with them!  We will be doing some new things this year and I cannot wait to fill you in on all of it!  First off, I was awarded another grant!!  Woo-hoo!!!  We have a beautiful magnetic whiteboard and brand new area rug in our classroom!  I cannot wait for you to see them!  Not only do we have that but we also have a new document camera and projector!  I am excited to be able to use new and innovative ways to engage your child in the common core! 

I will be implementing a new behavior and communication tool this year called ClassDojo!  I will send home information about it.  The wonderful thing about Dojo, is that we can communicate throughout the day!  If your child is making great choices and or working hard, you will get a notification, if there are some things he or she needs to work on - you will also get a notification!  I am excited to use this tool and work with you as a team to ensure your child has the best education possible this year! 

The classroom is almost all ready to go!  I hope to see all of you at Open House on Wednesday, August 26 from 5:00-7:00pm! 

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Welcome Back!

I am so excited to have a new group of students, but definitely am missing my old group too!  I just wanted to welcome you and your child to my classroom!  This is where I post updates and pictures throughout the school year of activities we do in the classroom and out!  For parents who are not able to volunteer in our classroom, this will give you a look of what happens throughout our day and week.  I am so excited to announce that I was awarded a Smart Board for our classroom through a grant I wrote with Mrs. Goodman last year!  We will be getting our Smart Board very soon and I cannot wait to teach your little one the wonders of technology!  The grant was awarded through TransCanada!  I am so thrilled!!!!!

The possibilities for learning with the Smart Board are endless, I cannot wait to begin!  

I leave you with this!  See you Tuesday!  

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Sweet Graduates! Stepping On To Another Year!!! :) So proud of them all!

Love these little jewels to pieces!  Sure am going to miss them all next year!
I didn't get all of them with their project, however, we do need to add tassels still! 
 My twins!  First time ever having identical twins!  They are SO inspiring!  I love them so much, wish I had been able to have them in my class the entire year, only had the pleasure of 1/2 with them!

This little sweetie was with me for 1/2 of the year too!  xoxo


So precious!


Love my lil' red-head!  :)  He was SO excited he was the only one who got to use orange construction paper!!

Doll-face!!!  xoxo

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Extra Recess!

We had beautiful weather...FINALLY, so I took the kiddos out for an extra recess at the end of the day!  I gave them the option of choice time or outside - all of their hands flew up for extra playtime outside!
Here are a few snapshots!  Unfortunately I didn't get all of them, but keep your eyes peeled for more because I will try to keep adding them!

Station Time!

Work Stations!
This week I added a new fun game!  My students love to stack cups, so I decided to write words on the top of these Dixie cups!  They work with their partner, if they can say the word, they get to stack it.  If they can't say the word yet, their partner gets a chance to steal and the lose their turn.


As you can see, they are doing great with their sight words!  Way to go boys!!!

"The duck cooks in the mailbox."  WHAT?!?! 
:)  Silly Sentences has been a blast for my kids!  They pick three cards, one blue, one pink, one orange and they fill in the blanks in that order to make their sentence.  Then hey have to illustrate whatever their silly sentence says!

Bean Bag words!  Inside that orange bag is a bunch of beans with sight words written on them.  Students shake the bag to find sight words and record them on their paper.

This is a creative writing station.  Students pick out a card, and then write 1-3 sentences about the card they chose.  Then they illustrate a picture.

Working it all in!  Word work on this pocket chart has been a difficult task!  They are to put the sentences in order to the Spring Poem that we have been learning.

Sight Word scramble!  These are the sight words that are scrambled up in the tubs.  Students look at the letters and try to figure out what word they have in front of them.  Then they record it on their paper.

Marbled Easter Eggs with Shaving Cream

Right before Easter we made these awesome projects!  It is literally shaving cream and food coloring!  Each student's project turned out different, they are incredible! 
This is one of my students.  We mounted them on black paper to make them stand out a little more. 
Use a cookie sheet, put shaving cream on it.  Spread it out.  Drop on whatever color food color you want to show up on the paper.  Put another layer of shaving cream on, use a knife and marble it through.  Place your paper on top press it down until it feels like the whole paper has shaving cream on it.  Peel it off, place it on the table then use a drywall scraper to scrape the shaving cream off of it.  Let dry, cut out, mount, and wahh-lahhhh!